All tagged forever active lifestyle
Hey there. You ever feel like loving yourself is a concept that sounds good in theory, but when it comes to actually doing it, you hesitate? You’re not alone. For a lot of us, especially when we’re on a weight loss journey or trying to “better” ourselves, it feels like loving who we are right now is the exact opposite of what we should be doing. But what if I told you that loving yourself isn’t just a feel-good idea, it’s the foundation for real change?
Hey there. Everyone’s approach to an active lifestyle is different. While structure and consistency matter, what fills that framework has to be based on your preferences and your ability level. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to fitness or nutrition, it all comes down to what works for you.
Hey there. Do you ever feel like fitness professionals are constantly talking at you? Telling you what you should do, why you should care, and acting like you don’t already have a solid understanding of the basics? It drives me crazy.
Hey there. When most people start a new eating plan, their first instinct is to cut back. They immediately focus on eating less, removing certain foods, and restricting their intake in hopes of losing weight. While calorie deficit is necessary for weight loss, the approach I recommend is the reverse: addition before subtraction.
Hey there. You see it all the time. People becoming completely consumed by their workouts, meal plans, and the pursuit of their ideal body. It’s understandable. Fitness culture often pushes the narrative that your ability to maintain discipline in your diet and training is a reflection of your worth. But I’m here to tell you: your active lifestyle is not the most important thing you will ever do.
Hey there. Today, I want to dive into something that can transform the way you approach health and fitness, shifting your focus from outcomes to actions. This simple yet powerful mindset change can help you break free from the roller coaster of dieting and create sustainable habits that last a lifetime.
Hey there. Have you ever felt like you’ve been riding the diet roller coaster your entire life? Jumping from one program to the next, chasing fleeting results, and trying to hit elusive weight loss goals? If so, you’re not alone. The fitness industry thrives on this cycle, keeping us focused on short-term outcomes and unrealistic expectations.
Hey there. In a fitness world dominated by six-pack chasers, “100% clean eaters,” and obsessive scale watchers, it can feel like success is defined by rigid rules and unattainable ideals. But here’s the truth: happiness and lasting results don’t come from fitting into the “normal” mold. They come from doing what works for you, embracing your preferences, and creating your own path.
Hey there. Weight loss is often portrayed as a game, but few of us are ever told how to actually win. We’re handed a set of rules, strict routines, and lofty goals disguised as the ultimate solution. “Follow these steps, adopt this mindset, and want it badly enough,” they say. Yet the reality of winning this game is far simpler—and far more personal—than we’re led to believe.
Hey there. When it comes to fitness and weight loss, there’s a lot of noise out there—plans, diets, trends, and absolutes that promise to transform your life overnight. But let’s face it: the vast majority of these approaches don’t last. Why? Because they aren’t designed to fit into the life you actually want to live. Today, I’m calling out some of these outdated ideas and offering a new perspective—one that’s sustainable, personalized, and empowering.
Hey there. When it comes to building a sustainable, healthy lifestyle, there are two critical perspectives we need to address: yours and the role of fitness professionals…
You’ve probably heard the “no days off” mantra or seen people proudly proclaiming that they show up for themselves every single day. But let me tell you, showing up doesn’t always mean doing the work. Sometimes showing up for yourself means giving yourself the break you need.
Hey there. As the year winds down, I want you to pause for a moment and collect yourself. Instead of rushing blindly into the next year, let’s take a step back and reflect, not just on this past year but on the years and even decades that brought you to this point.
Hey there. I’ve spent years watching people, including myself, hop from one weight loss program to another. It becomes routine, a habit, almost second nature. But eventually, we all hit a point where we’re tired of the cycle—tired of wondering if we’ll ever lose enough weight to feel good about ourselves. That’s when the real shift happens.
The secret? Don’t overwhelm yourself with rigid schedules or lofty goals. Instead, focus on your preferences and take gradual steps. Fitness isn’t a six-week sprint; it’s a lifetime journey. By thinking long-term, you’re building a foundation that will support you as you take on bigger challenges down the road.
When it comes to fitness and health, so many of us have been taught to follow cookie-cutter programs that disregard what we actually enjoy. This leads to frustration and inconsistency. But if you start with what you like, whether it’s a specific type of exercise or the way you approach food, you’ll naturally want to stick with it. That’s how you build consistency, and consistency is the bedrock of progress..
Hey there. Building a forever active lifestyle starts with the YLF Foundation. It’s not just about fitness; it’s about connecting with yourself and developing habits that fit your preferences.
Hey there. Fitness doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, the simpler it is, the easier it is to stick with it.