YLF30 is a monthlong challenge that will help improve how you see yourself. This will help you feel more comfortable in your own skin, discover/rediscover your creativity, change your relationships with fitness & food and finally develop the foundational skill of working on the same page with, instead of against yourself. If you really love the way you feel after a month, take the challenge for another month…then do it again and again.

“True weight loss success is seeing the physical changes your body makes on the outside as the byproduct of you deciding love yourself as a person on the inside.”
— Daryl Perry

YLF30 is part of a collection of tools, resources and coaching system. Use these tools together or in any combination to help you connect with, accept and start to love who you really are. Everyone’s process looks different.


The YLF365 Podcast

These short, solo episodes reinforce the actions and thought process around YLF30. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your episodes.


YLF30 Challenge Minimum Daily Actions (MDA’s)

Practicing these six actions at your own pace will help you feel more comfortable in your own skin, discover/rediscover your creativity, change your relationship with fitness and finally develop the foundational skills of being consistent & disciplined:

1. Positive Self Statements: For at least one minute a day I want you to look yourself in the eye and unload all of the qualities you genuinely like about yourself. For the first few weeks you might only find one thing, and even that one thing is hard to acknowledge. Here’s the deal though, eventually you will start viewing yourself from a positive point of view. That one quality will turn to two, then three, then over a dozen. This exercise trains you to have a real appreciation for everything that you are, inside and out.

2. Time Outdoors: For at least five minutes I want you outside without music, podcast or any other digital distraction. This could be sitting, walking around, some type of workout or whatever else you come up with. Any exercise benefit is secondary to how this time will help slow things down in your head. Many of my personal journal prompts and podcast topics come from when I’m spending disconnected time outside.

3. Journaling: Take at least five minutes every day to write down, voice to text or voice memo your thoughts. Most people I talk to say coming up with prompts is their biggest sticking point with journaling. When I’m stuck, there’s two questions I always come back to:

  1. What do I feel right now?

  2. Why do I feel this way?

4. Creative Pursuits: Spend at least five minutes a day practicing something that is your way of expressing how you see the world. That’s all creativity is, us sharing what we view each and every day. If you have previous experience as a traditional creative, you may rediscover interests you haven’t practiced in years. If you’ve often thought of yourself as “not creative” this will be a whole new experience for you!

5. Addition Nutrition: Much of what you have been taught about healthy eating has been about both restriction and complexity. All you’re doing here is adding at least one serving of produce “fruits or vegetables” and/or drinking water in addition to your other beverages at least once a day.

6. Exercise: Spend at least 30 minutes a day doing some type of physical activity, movement or workout. Consistency is something most people struggle with when it comes to exercise. When ANY type of activity regardless of intensity counts towards your exercise goal you’re more likely to do things based around your preferences and ability level. When this is your foundational approach to working out, it builds a lasting relationship with physical activity that doesn’t require discipline or motivation. You’ll start showing up because you enjoy it…for the rest of your life.