Slow down

The faster you rush through the weight loss process, the less prepared you’ll be to maintain your progress.
Take your time developing the foundation that will be your lifelong active lifestyle. Trade the next few years getting this squared away, so that the decades that follow include a healthy relationship with food, fitness and yourself. Please. 🤗 👊🏻
Hey there. Letting go is one of the hardest things to do. As you start connecting with yourself, you begin to notice things that no longer fit…habits, thought patterns, even certain relationships. This is a natural part of growth, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Change happens whether we want it to or not, and resisting it can leave us feeling powerless. Instead of fighting against it, we need to learn how to navigate it in a way that keeps us moving forward.
Hey there. One of the most powerful things we can do is redirect blame. It’s easy to point fingers at people, situations, or anything else when things don’t go as planned. But shifting all blame onto ourselves isn’t the answer either. While I believe we are ultimately responsible for our lives, even the things we can’t fully control, the goal isn’t to carry unnecessary weight. The goal is to take ownership while letting go of what doesn’t serve us.
Hey there. You ever feel like you've wasted too much time to change? Like there's some invisible deadline for when you're supposed to have everything figured out? I think we all, at some point, buy into this idea that life has a set timeline. That we need to hit certain milestones at certain ages. And we stick with this belief… until we decide not to.
Hey there. I talk a lot about taking ownership of your life because it’s one of the most powerful shifts you can make. It’s easy to feel like life is just happening to you, that circumstances beyond your control are dictating everything. And to be fair, there are things we can’t control. But there are also plenty of things we can. When you decide that everything in your life…your actions, your mindset, your choices is your responsibility, things start to change.
Hey there. I’m frustrated by algorithms. The internet has been part of my life for over twenty-five years, and I’m tired of scrolling and being fed what I’m supposedly wanting to see next. I think a lot of people feel the same way. Especially those of us who are thirty-five and older. We remember what life was like before social media, before smartphones, before the endless loop of algorithm-driven content.
Hey there. Something I talk about a lot is how, from this point forward, you can go in whatever direction you want. Your life up to this moment has shaped you, but moving forward is your responsibility. You have the power to choose where you go next. It doesn’t matter how you got here. What matters is what you do from here.
Hey there. There are a lot of things in life that we can’t control. I want to acknowledge that first because today, I want to focus on what we can control. We have the power to take action on the things that will actually change if we put in the effort. And beyond that, it’s about how we view this process. If we believe in ourselves, if we see ourselves as capable, that’s where real change begins.
Hey there. What I want for everyone, including you, is to be able to appreciate and love the body you are in while you put in the effort to change it. If you are exercising regularly and following an eating plan based on your preferences, your body is going to change. It may not look like someone else's, but it will evolve in a way that works for you.
Hey there. For the longest time, I was chasing something. Maybe you’ve been chasing too. The belief that one day, if I just did enough, learned enough, or proved enough, I would finally feel like I belonged. I would finally feel like I was enough.
Hey there. Body dysmorphia is like a ghost that lingers, no matter how much you try to move forward. It’s something I’ve seen over and over in the fitness space. People lose weight, transform their bodies, and yet, when they look in the mirror, they still see their old selves staring back. It’s not just a passing thought. It’s a deep-seated perception that refuses to let go.