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The Your Level Fitness Podcast 021: Chat With Jessy

The Your Level Fitness Podcast 021: Chat With Jessy


Where’s the best place for listeners to connect with you?: 

Instagram: @jamandhealth
Twitter: @jamandhealth

What’s one habit you do almost daily?: 100oz of water

What’s one of your normal routines?: Weekly meal planning 
Daily reading

How long did it take for the above routine to stick? : 6 months for meal planning
Started in college, just kinda stuck

Describe your weight loss journey.: Best takeaway: I don’t have to give up foods I enjoy to lose weight. I also don’t have to exercise every single day to lose weight. Losing weight is more about habits and mindset than food and exercise (aka 80% mental)

What’s a skill you developed as a result of working through your weight loss journey?:Portion control. Knowing my body and learning how I respond to over-eating. I don’t over-eat and stuff myself anymore. Recognizing that a holiday is a day, the vacation time around it is just another day.

What has that skill led to outside of weight loss?: Confidence. Acknowledging the need for rest and not pushing beyond my mental or physical limits. Not shaming myself for my limits.

What have you learned about yourself over the last year or so?: I need quiet morning time to start the day, to be up before my kids, the pray and exercise. To do lists are helpful, but they’re not the boss of me, so I don’t need to stress about not doing all the things.

What advice would you give to someone working through their weight loss journey?:What is 1 habit you can work on this week to get you where you want to be? Don’t set goals for scale numbers, but consider what goals will make you healthy and strong - you can only control your actions, not the numbers on the scale. Fill your social media feeds with health, fitness, nutrition, and inspiration. Read books, not just about nutrition and weight and lifestyle suggestions, but fiction you enjoy. Talk to your spouse or people close to you about what you’re going through. They can’t help you or encourage you if you don’t educate them on how they can. Get a journal. You don’t have to use it for tracking food, but acknowledge your progress. Take pictures. I wish I would have sooner.

What resources would you recommend listeners check out?: Besides the Daryl Perry podcast, I highly recommend the Half Size Me show - very similar mindset and message. I really liked The Daniel Plan by Pastor Rick Warren - great message on doable clean eating and getting started with fitness. I love Beachbody workouts and have a subscription to BOD. I do like the exercise programs because I’m able to track my physical progress of strength and endurance. I also like the container system and 2B Mindset for guides - again, the “programs” are not the boss of me, but I use the concepts to help me. The book, “Made to Crave,” by Lysa Terkeurst. Simple encouragements for gaining a godly perspective of the struggle with food.

What are you working on now?: Practicing intermittent fasting and seeing how my body responds. Journaling my food in a notebook and taking another break from My Fitness Pal and obsessing over Macros. Getting ready everyday even though I’m stuck in

Is there anywhere else you’d like to point listeners to?:

Heather Robertson
Donald and Catherine Wygal

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