Taking progress photos, measuring your waist "our wherever you carry the most extra weight" and getting on the scale once a month gives you a pretty good idea of how you're progressing on any fitness program.
Celebrating the sustainable active lifestyle that’s based around your preferences.
Taking progress photos, measuring your waist "our wherever you carry the most extra weight" and getting on the scale once a month gives you a pretty good idea of how you're progressing on any fitness program.
I provide a complete fitness experience that's unique to your fitness goals - and I do this for a monthly rate that's less than what most fit pros with lesser qualifications charge for a couple of sessions.
The main goal with these workouts is to get you in the habit of strength training on a regular basis. If you're just starting out, getting back into exercise or aren't doing any type of strength work now, these would be a good addition to what you're already doing.
There's a huge industry that's banking on you wanting to lose weight as fast as you can. What's the hurry?
Think you might need some adjustments to your fitness program? Please watch this video.
The more ways you consistently track progress, the less emphasis you'll place on any one piece of info over the others.
What is it that keeps you from reaching your fitness goals and maintaining them?
The American College of Sports Medicine conducts a survey, where almost 3,000 fitness industry professionals predict what will be the hottest trends for the coming year. While I did not take part in the survey, I have an opinion on everything that's on the list. Let's start with number one and work our way down.
Others can inspire, but you have to be ready to make the necessary changes. Are you ready?
Today really is the best time to start following an eating plan “any of them work if you can stick to it” and begin exercising regularly.