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Embracing Acceptance Over Approval


Hey there. We often hear the advice to "stop caring what others think." On the surface, it sounds empowering—a call to ignore outside opinions and stand confidently in your own truth. But let’s be real: caring, at least a little, is part of being human. The key isn’t to stop caring entirely but to get to a place where you’re okay with not receiving approval from everyone.

For me, this realization has been freeing. Instead of fighting to silence every ounce of care about how others perceive me, I’ve learned to accept that not everyone will like me, the work I do, or the choices I make. And that’s okay. This shift in perspective has allowed me to focus more on the people and things that matter most.

Shifting the Focus to What Matters

When you stop chasing universal approval, you reclaim a lot of energy. Energy you can put toward improving your craft, deepening your relationships, and living life in alignment with your values. Let’s face it—no matter how hard you try, you’ll never make everyone happy. There will always be critics, doubters, and people who simply don’t vibe with who you are or what you do.

But here’s the beauty of this: you don’t need them to. Instead, focus on the people who do connect with you—the ones who appreciate your work, respect your journey, and find inspiration in your story. These are the people who truly matter in your life, whether they’re family, friends, clients, or your community.

Releasing the Need for Approval

It’s easier said than done, but letting go of the need for external approval can be transformative. When you stop chasing after “likes,” figuratively or literally, you start to live more authentically. You make decisions based on what feels right for you, not what will earn applause from the crowd.

This doesn’t mean ignoring feedback or shutting yourself off from growth opportunities. Constructive criticism is a gift, and listening to it with an open mind can help you grow. But the key is knowing whose opinions truly matter to you and which critiques align with your goals.

How This Shift Impacts Your Work

As someone who creates, shares, and connects with people daily, I’ve seen firsthand how this mindset shift has improved the way I approach my work. When I stopped worrying about pleasing everyone, my ideas became clearer, my content more genuine, and my connections deeper. Instead of trying to cater to everyone, I’m focused on the ones who find value in what I bring to the table.

This same approach can apply to you, no matter your work or passions. Whether you’re building a business, pursuing a creative project, or simply trying to live a fulfilling life, giving yourself permission to not be universally liked can unlock an incredible amount of freedom.

Your Journey Starts With Acceptance

So, instead of striving to stop caring what anyone thinks, aim to be okay with the fact that not everyone will like you. It’s not about shutting people out; it’s about focusing on what aligns with your truth. This is a shift that takes time, practice, and a lot of self-reflection, but it’s worth every ounce of effort.

If you’re ready to embrace a life of authenticity, connection, and purpose, I invite you to join The YLF Experience. This is a space where you can learn to live from the inside out, focusing on your journey while building a community of like-minded individuals. Together, we’ll work on the mindset shifts that help you show up fully and confidently as yourself.

Join The YLF Experience here.

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