Hey there. There are a lot of things in life that we can’t control. I want to acknowledge that first because today, I want to focus on what we can control. We have the power to take action on the things that will actually change if we put in the effort. And beyond that, it’s about how we view this process. If we believe in ourselves, if we see ourselves as capable, that’s where real change begins.
Think about what you want to accomplish. There are people out there who have done exactly what you want to do. Not all of them had massive opportunities handed to them. Some of them started in situations very similar to yours. The difference is that they believed they could do it. They kept showing up, even when things weren’t perfect. They kept taking responsibility for their path instead of waiting for circumstances to change.
This isn’t about pretending to be confident. You can’t just fake it after watching a video on the twelve steps to building confidence. Real belief in yourself has to come from within. It has to be something you cultivate over time. That belief is what separates those who take action from those who stay stuck, waiting for the perfect moment that never comes.
Some people lean on excuses, blaming their circumstances, other people, or just bad luck. Others take ownership and decide that no matter what, they will figure it out. We all fall somewhere between these two extremes. The question is, which direction are you leaning? If you’re constantly focusing on what you don’t have, it’s easy to convince yourself that your dreams aren’t possible. But the truth is, you don’t need everything to line up perfectly. You just need to start.
We all need help at times. Nobody does this alone. But if you keep telling yourself that you’ll take action when things get easier, you’re only setting yourself up for regret. If you look back on your life years from now and realize you never even tried, that feeling will be much worse than any fear you’re feeling right now.
The good news? You already believe things about yourself. You’ve already made decisions about how you see yourself, your potential, and the path ahead. So why not choose to believe something that moves you forward? If you don’t like where you are right now, you can change it. But it starts with taking responsibility. It starts with making the decision that you’re going to take action, even if the first step isn’t perfect.
You might not know exactly what the right steps are, and that’s okay. You’ll figure it out as you go. Things always look different once you start taking action. You’ll notice the big obstacles that outsiders can’t see. You’ll start to understand the small details that can make a huge difference. But none of that happens if you don’t start.
There are things in life that you can’t control. But there is also so much that you can. If you don’t like the way your life looks right now, I hope this message pushes you to take ownership. Decide that you’re going to do it. Take the first step, even if it’s messy. Even if you later realize it wasn’t the most productive step. It will still be valuable because you’ll be in motion. And once you start moving, you’re no longer sitting in the same spot, making excuses.
Your future self is waiting for you to take action. Don’t let them down.
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