Not wanting to waste a second
One of my biggest fears is not living up to my full potential in life. It is a fear of mine to get to the end of my life and realize I didn’t fulfill my purpose of being here. It is probably some perfectionism in me, but every day it is a goal of mine to continue to grow and improve myself in every aspect of life. I don’t want to waste a second.
It is scary to me because time is one thing you can’t get back. You can’t buy more of it. You can’t slow it down. You literally get to choose how to spend each second of your life, which is exciting and scary all in the same thought. Some of us are better at time management than others. You have to be spending your time on what matters to you. Your time is valuable and you should treat it that way.
““To get all there is out of living, we must employ our time wisely, never being in too much of a hurry to stop and sip life, but never losing our sense of the enormous value of a minute.” ”
One way that I face this fear is to always have a goal that I am working towards. I like to have short term goals (like finishing this article), and then a big long term goal (finishing my Live Hard year). It helps to keep me on track and know that I am working on my goals. I like to reflect back on time and see whether I have been using it to meet my goals.
While we can get wrapped up in the “more is better” mentality when trying to live our most fulfilling life, we must stop and enjoy the small moments. Learn from the failures, enjoy the quiet moments and time with loved ones, and learn to be grateful. The small moments eventually turn into our life story.
Many of us aren't willing to pay the price of success. We don't want to invest the time to grow. We have something that is holding us back from reaching our full potential in life. I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic and what you believe is holding you back in life. Message me on IG.