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Letting Go of Others’ Opinions


Hey there. At some point in your life, you’ve probably placed someone else’s opinion above your own. Maybe it was something they said, did or perhaps it was a pattern of behavior you couldn’t escape. Without realizing it, you allowed their opinions to dictate how you lived. The thing is, their opinions don’t matter.

We live in an ultra-connected world where technology and social media have made it easier than ever for people to form and share opinions. Whether it’s someone close to you or a stranger on the internet, those opinions can stick with you if you let them. Over time, they can leave a mark, shaping how you see yourself, the choices you make, and the narrative you carry through life.

I’m not minimizing the impact of what someone else may have said or done to you. People can say and do trash things they have no business doing. Those experiences can leave scars, and they’re not always easy to let go of. However, letting go isn’t about minimizing the hurt or excusing their behavior. It’s about taking responsibility for how you move forward.

Shifting the Narrative

When you place someone else’s opinion above your own, it’s as if you’re giving them the keys to your life. Whether you openly acknowledge it or not, the way you think and act can become tethered to what they think, say, or do. But the reality is, their opinion is not your responsibility.

It’s your responsibility to decide how you’ll respond to it, how you’ll process it, and how you’ll move forward. When you take ownership of your life, you reclaim the power to determine your own path.

Sure, there are things you can’t control. Life is full of uncertainties and challenges. But when you focus on what you can control, you’ll start to see things differently. Some of the issues that felt so out of reach will begin to sort themselves out.

Deciding What to Carry

We’ve all picked up baggage along the way. Some of it we carry for years, dragging it along through life because we’re not sure how to let go. But here’s the thing: you don’t have to carry everything with you. You can choose what you take forward and what you leave behind.

That process begins with acknowledging that you’ve been through a lot. And while those experiences have shaped you, they don’t have to define you. Moving forward means letting go of what no longer serves you…including the opinions of others.

Forgiveness and Moving Forward

Forgiveness is a tricky subject. It means different things to different people, and it’s not always about absolving someone else. For me, it’s about letting go of the hold their words or actions have on you. It’s about moving forward without carrying the weight of their behavior.

You don’t have to forget how someone made you feel, but you can choose not to let it dictate your future.

Living Authentically

When you start living authentically, aligned with who you are and what matters most to you, you’ll realize just how little other people’s opinions matter. The opinions that once held so much weight will become background noise as you focus on your own growth and journey.

That’s not to say those opinions won’t creep back in from time to time. They might. But the more you embrace your inside-out process, the less power they’ll hold.

Your life is your responsibility. You’re the one who gets to decide how you’ll navigate the challenges, opportunities, and growth ahead. And let me tell you, there’s so much in front of you.

Call to Action

If you’re ready to take ownership of your journey and work on the inside-out process, I invite you to join The YLF Experience. This habit-based coaching program is designed to help you move forward with confidence and clarity. Sign up here.

When Growth Becomes Performative

Embracing Your Past Is Key to Moving Forward