Finally like what you see in the mirror.

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Let's Talk About Buildup Sessions


Hey there. I want you to take a moment, stand in front of a mirror, and really look at yourself. Not just a passing glance, but a full scan, head to toe. Now, I want you to do something that might feel a little uncomfortable at first: start building yourself up.

This is what I call a buildup session, and it’s a game changer.

Many of us have spent years, maybe even decades, tearing ourselves down. We stare into the mirror and pick apart every so-called flaw, every imperfection, and every little thing someone once told us we needed to "fix." It’s exhausting. It’s heavy. And worst of all, it keeps us from seeing the person we truly are.

But here’s the thing…you can do the opposite.

Just like negative self-talk becomes second nature when you do it often enough, positive self-talk can become your default, too. When you start telling yourself things like, I am strong. I am resilient. I am capable. I am enough, you slowly start believing it. At first, it might feel weird. You might feel like you’re just going through the motions. But keep at it. Because when it clicks, everything changes.

This is why the inside/out approach to fitness and self-improvement is so powerful. The world tells us that if we change our external appearance, we’ll finally feel confident, finally feel worthy. But that’s a lie. Confidence doesn’t come from looking a certain way—it comes from how you see yourself.

Think about it. There are people out there who don’t fit conventional beauty standards, yet they radiate confidence. And then there are those who, from the outside, seem to have it all but still struggle with self-doubt. The difference? Self-perception.

When you start showing up for yourself with daily actions, whether it’s positive self-statements, movement, mindful nutrition, or simply recognizing your worth. Your self-image shifts. You stop relying on external validation and start believing in yourself from within. And in a world where so many people are faking confidence, genuine self-belief stands out.

So, I challenge you: commit to one minute a day. Stand in front of that mirror and tell yourself something good. Over time, you won’t need the mirror as much you’ll carry that confidence with you. You’ll start catching your reflection and, instead of picking yourself apart, you’ll nod and think, Yeah, I’ve got this.

This journey isn’t about forcing yourself into a mold or chasing an ideal someone else created for you. It’s about owning who you are, right now.

And if you want a framework to help you build these habits, join The YLF Experience a coaching program designed to help you take control of your mindset, build sustainable habits, and develop confidence from the inside out. Sign up here.

Pacing Yourself for Long-Term Success

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