Focusing on weight loss has gotten you to this point. What’s next?
Celebrating the sustainable active lifestyle that’s based around your preferences.
Tiffany is a kettlebell sport athlete that working out should not be a chore you dread. exercise should be a release and something you can look forward to and incorporate into your life with joy…not misery.
Tell me about how you’re going to create your environment and/or your new creative outlet.
View the framework to see how to set goals and track progress within this structure. Tell me your plan for the week.
How to balance planning, taking action, evaluating and continual learning so you can accomplish what you want.
What the heck is TWLI & TWILI’s? Are you ready to be consistent with effort and patient with progress, while living guilt free?
How has your weight loss process changed since the beginning? What’s your life long goal you’d like to work on?
Get super specific about where you think you should be, honest enough about where you are, then bridge the gap.
When people say “this time is going to be different.” This is how to actually accomplish that. Let me know your thoughts.
How has your life changed over the last five years? What are you taking from all you’ve learned over that time to apply to the next five?