All in Podcast

YLF 089: Chat with Colleen

Keep going. Even when you feel like it’s not working. It is you just have to give it more time. It’s ok to have set backs or even take a little break, as long as you don’t quit entirely. Cause what happens if you stop? Nothing. I don’t care how many times you need to restart or refocus, as long as you don’t quit. One day at a time. Don’t focus on the entire mountain in front of you, focus on the next step right in front of you and repeat that the next day and the next day and you will get there.

YLF 088: Chat with Rachel

Start small, once you master small habits, small goals, that’s what builds confidence. The confidence allows you to try new things without the fear of failing, because you know that at some point you’ll master the thing that you want to. Always be a beginner!