Your Level Fitness

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The YLF Foundational Framework

This framework gives you the structure to build the foundation needed to develop an active lifestyle you’ll actually want to stick with. It gives you enough freedom to create a lifestyle around your preferences and ability levels, then adjust it over time as you evolve.

Minimum Daily Actions (MDA’s)

These are the foundational actions that you’ll work to exceed every day. You know exactly what’s expected of you and feel capable of following through because everything is based around your preferences and current ability level. Below are the ones used by members of the Your Level Fitness Foundation Program. Use them as they are, tweak them to meet your level or come up with your own. Just make sure they’re specific and meet you where you are.

Rotational Habit

In addition to exceeding your MDA’s almost daily, select one of the habits found on this blog. I’m adding new ones on a regular basis. Below is a list of each category. Click on the category you’re interested in to find video posts within that category. Each post includes a video explaing why that habit is important and tips on how to customize it.

Tracking Progress

In YLF we view the traditional fitness progress markers “weight, measurements, body composition and/or progress pics” not as the goals but the byproduct of exceeding daily “or almost daily” action centered goals based around our individual abilities, preferences and needs. I’d log each marker you decide every time you decide to track them. So if your update frequency is every other Sunday, then you’ll record the data for each marker important to you every Sunday.

I really want you to start looking at these updates as datapoint updates, where you’re collecting and storing over time to see how things are trending. The more data collected over a longer period of time, the more accurate the trend is. So, three months of every other week datapoint updates shows a truer picture than one month but not as true of a picture as 18 months. The sooner you’re able to see updates as byproduct data collection instead of a reflection of how “good” or “bad” you’ve been since your last update, the better.

When the self paced Framework isn’t enough structure

I believe you taking this framework approach on your own will eventually change your entire outlook on building a sustainable active lifestyle and an enjoyable life that’s based on your preferences. However, I do know some people want more guidance. If that’s you, check out the different paid foundation levels I offer.