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How to Make it a Lifestyle Podcast Resources: Taking emphasis away from the scale

These journal prompts supplement episode five of the podcast. Jot down a few sentences to any or all of them to help build an active lifestyle based around your preferences and ability. When you do it this way you won’t have to rely on willpower or discipline.

  1. Besides the scale, what other markers do you use to track success?

  2. List out all of the markers you use to track fitness and weight loss success, then assign an important rating to each marker. On a scale of one to three, where 1is little to no importance, 2 is some importance and 3 is a lot of import.

  3. Imagine what your life would be like if you didn't think about the number on the scale at least 85% of the time. What would you do with all of that extra headspace?

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How to Make it a Lifestyle Podcast Resources: Efforts between weigh ins usually do not show the next time you get on the scale

How to Make it a Lifestyle Podcast Resources: The scale going down is the byproduct, not the goal