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YLF: 059 Chat with Kassy

YLF: 059 Chat with Kassy

Where’s the best place for listeners to connect with you?: Instagram— fearless_at_forty_vsg

Describe your weight loss journey.: I’ve always been overweight. Always the fat friend. I learned early on to make witty comments and to make people laugh so they saw me in that way instead of my physical self. I’ve done every single diet out there. Succeeded a few times temporarily. Finally decided enough was enough when I saw photos of myself from my 40th birthday party. I didn’t recognize myself at all and was disappointed in how much I had let myself go. I reenrolled myself at my bariatric clinic and never looked back.

What’s a skill you developed as a result of working through your weight loss process?: I feel like I’ve just developed a better mindset of putting myself first and not feeling guilty for it. I’ve always been one to stand up for myself but it’s just different now that I truly believe in doing things that will benefit my health over time. I always put that part of me last but I refuse to do that anymore.

What has that skill led to outside of weight loss?: Standing up for my self unapologetically. I have always worried about others feelings before my own and while I still do, I’m also making sure I don’t suppress my own feelings for someone else’s anymore. Honesty is always best and I can no longer hurt my own feelings by not expressing mine. I have learned that as long as I say what I need to out of a place of love, it is not my responsibility for how the other person takes it.

What advice would you give to someone working through their weight loss journey?: Focus on yourself. Learn from others and find community where you’re comfortable. I found mine on IG, which was not expected but am so thankful for. Don’t compare your journey to others either, we are all different and that will only cause internal conflict. Keep going, even on days you want to give up. It’s you vs you.  You’ve got to want the change for yourself, not for anyone else.

What's something most people don't know about you that has nothing to do with weight loss?: I’m an artist. This weight loss journey has taught me to be more confident in who I am and not so nonchalant about things. Whenever someone referred to me as an artist previously to this journey I would brush it off and downplay myself and my talent. Not anymore.

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