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Breaking Free from the Shoulds and Finding Your Own Path

Hey there. What do you really want for yourself? Not what others expect of you, not what society tells you is the “right” path, but what you truly want. It’s a big question, one that many people avoid because it forces them to confront the reality of their choices. But if you never take the time to ask yourself this, you might wake up years from now feeling stuck in a life that was never really yours.

We live in a world filled with external influences. Expectations, social norms, and an endless stream of media telling us what success should look like. The problem is, when you let those outside voices dictate your life, you end up chasing things that don’t actually fulfill you. And deep down, you know it.

If you find yourself rationalizing your current situation with thoughts like, this is just how life is or this is what I’m supposed to do, it might be time to step back and re-evaluate. You don’t have to settle for a life that doesn’t align with who you truly are.

Getting Clear on What You Want

The first step in creating a life that feels right for you is getting clear on what you actually want. This requires honesty, real honesty, the kind that might make you uncomfortable at first. It’s easy to say, I just want to be happy or I want to be successful, but what do those things actually mean to you?

Once you have clarity, everything changes. That’s the moment you flip the hourglass and start moving toward what you truly want. But here’s the thing, there’s no perfect, set-in-stone plan to get there. The path you take will evolve. You don’t need to have all the answers right away, you just need to take that first step.

Breaking Free from Distractions

A lot of people stay stuck because distractions keep them from facing reality. They immerse themselves in entertainment, social media, or endless scrolling, anything to avoid sitting with their thoughts. It’s easier to numb yourself than to admit you’re not happy with the direction your life is heading.

But if you want to make real changes, you have to recognize when something is pulling you away from the life you want. That doesn’t mean you need to eliminate all forms of entertainment or relaxation, but it does mean being mindful of whether you’re using them to escape something deeper.

Small Changes, Big Impact

If you’ve been living a life based on what others expect of you, making a shift can feel overwhelming. But the good news is, you don’t have to overhaul everything overnight. Small, intentional changes will get you there.

Start by making small decisions that align with what you truly want. Maybe that means setting aside time each day to work on something meaningful to you. Maybe it means saying no to things that don’t serve you. Every choice you make in alignment with your true self builds momentum.

The important thing is to take action, even when you don’t feel ready. Because waiting for the “perfect time” will only keep you stuck where you are.

No Regrets

I don’t want you to look back decades from now and realize you spent your life doing what you thought you were supposed to do instead of what actually fulfilled you. The signs that something isn’t right are already there, you just have to be willing to acknowledge them.

No matter where you are in life—whether you’re in your 20s, 40s, or beyond, you still have the power to change course. You don’t have to live in regret. You don’t have to accept a life that doesn’t feel like yours.

So, what do you really want? And more importantly, what are you going to do about it?

Take the Next Step

If you're ready to start building a life that aligns with who you truly are, I invite you to join The YLF Experience. It’s a space where you can work on the inside-out process, gain clarity, and take actionable steps toward the life you actually want.