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Celebrating the sustainable active lifestyle that’s based around your preferences.

How to Make it a Lifestyle Podcast Resources: Longevity is the goal

These journal prompts supplement episode 002 of the podcast. Jot down a few sentences to any or all of them to help build an active lifestyle based around your preferences and ability. When you do it this way you won’t have to rely on willpower or discipline.

  1. Reflect on your current lifestyle choices and habits. How do they align with your goal of longevity? What adjustments can you make to prioritize a longer and healthier life?

  2. Consider the role of physical activity in your daily routine. How can you incorporate sustainable and enjoyable exercises that contribute to your longevity goals?

  3. Explore your relationship with nutrition. Are your eating habits supporting longevity, and how can you make mindful choices to enhance your overall well-being?

  4. Contemplate the impact of stress on your longevity. What stress management strategies can you integrate into your life to promote a longer, healthier existence?

  5. Think about your social connections and community engagement. How do your relationships contribute to your sense of purpose and well-being, and how can they positively influence your longevity?

  6. Examine your sleep patterns and quality. How can you prioritize and improve your sleep hygiene to support the longevity of both your physical and mental health?

  7. Imagine your ideal active lifestyle in the long term. What activities bring you joy and fulfillment, and how can you structure your days to ensure you're consistently engaging in them for a lifetime of well-being

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How to Make it a Lifestyle Podcast Resources: The scale going down is the byproduct, not the goal

How to Make it a Lifestyle Podcast Resources: What we're doing here