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YLF 047: Chat with Maryellen

YLF 047: Chat with Maryellen

The Your Level Fitness Podcast 047_ Maryellen.png

Where’s the best place for listeners to connect with you?: On Instagram

What’s one habit you do almost daily?: Do some sort of workout could it be cardio (walking) or lifting or snuggle with my sons lol

What’s one of your normal routines?: I cook daily. I rarely order pre made food.

How long did it take for the above routine to stick? : The working out about 12 weeks but I would go up and down with that. Some months i do it consistently and other months or even weeks it’s been tougher to get into that groove.

Describe your weight loss journey.: I started 6 years ago after seeing an FB message looking for local moms wanting to loose weight in 6 weeks. So i said why not, hadn’t worked out since my early 20s. I joined knowing no one not one other person scared to death but feel in love. With the coach, the gym, the other mom and the results. In those 5 weeks I lost 14 pounds and just loved how I felt and looked..so I kept going. In the first year i had lost 40lbs felt amazing and then the gym closed and my friends had either stopped or went to other gyms. It was hard for me to find that place again and then I got sick and gained 20lbs back and those 20lbs have been the hardest to get off. But over the years I have learned my body has changed as well as the way my body reacts to working out and food. I’m still learning I don’t think you ever stop learning but I feel that now at 41 I have a better handle on things.

What’s a skill you developed as a result of working through your weight loss journey?:Oh god... i want to say it was so easy to love me but it really hasn’t I still don’t see the changes I have made, but every day I learn to love myself as well as be more confident within my skin no matter if I hit my goal or not I have to remember how far I have come.

What has that skill led to outside of weight loss?: In every day life confidence has helped in so many ways and I also think it comes for age too. At 20 even if I was 140lbs I don’t think I would be as confident as I am today not even close to 140. I have gone out for roles within my company that In years passes I wouldn’t have not thinking I was good enough. But I know I am I bring a ton to the table and i think the way I carry myself and talk it shows.

What have you learned about yourself over the last year or so?: That i can do this. No matter what at the end of the day I can push through the pain, heartache, stress I got this and that working out has been my outlet during all of it. Where others have turned to drinking, food, or anything I turned to walking and working out as being my release during the whole Covid issues.

What advice would you give to someone working through their weight loss journey?:Don’t beat yourself up, Don’t stress over things. We all do it I do it now, i get on the scale and don’t see it move i get pissed off, over analyzing my food and work outs but when the smoke and angry clears I tell myself “ stay focused, stay positive, it will be fine.”

What resources would you recommend listeners check out?: my fitness pal is a life saver, surrounded yourself with minded like people, but also don’t get swooped up in what they are doing. Everyone is different your journey will not be like theirs and theirs won’t be like yours.

What are you working on now?: Finding peace, toning, doing more yoga and of course a goal number but the number isn’t as important as finding the happy mix of peace, toning, yoga and happiness.

Is there anywhere else you’d like to point listeners to? Please provide link if possible:Find a good trainer or gym local or even not local.

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