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Five tips for finding balance this holiday season

Five tips for finding balance this holiday season

I feel like it all starts with the Halloween candy, which leads to the Thanksgiving dinner and the holiday parties. And then boom- the New Year’s Resolutions to get in better shape and lose weight. It’s a repetitive cycle that some of us know all too well. It doesn’t have to be that way though.

 Last year I was in the middle of my Live Hard year (75 Hard) during the holidays. I remember taking a modified Thanksgiving dinner to my sister’s on Thanksgiving day. I had the macros figured out and it fit into my diet. I still enjoyed time with my family. I didn’t need to overeat and drink to feel thankful. 

Often we use the holidays as an excuse to indulge, but that can turn into two months of indulging. I am slowly learning that balance is key in life. We can enjoy special treats or drinks, but it can’t be everyday. If you think about it there is always a holiday, birthday, or special occasion that is just waiting to pull us away from our goals. We don’t even realize sometimes how often we “treat ourselves” in ways that are sabotaging our efforts in the gym. 

So what can we do to help us through this last month of the year and start the New Year feeling our best?  Here are five things that I feel are very important! 

  1. Plan ahead. This can be huge. Know what your options are going to be and plan ahead for what you will eat. Bring healthier snacks to a party. Look at the menu ahead of time if going out to eat. 

  2. Join a challenge/program or find an accountability partner. I plan on starting Phase 1 soon for this current Live Hard year very soon. I purposely have it planned for this time of the year to help keep me accountable. I have seen gyms that offer different challenges over the holidays. Find something competitive and make it fun! 

  3. Don’t forget to make time for your workouts. Make sure you take time out during the busy season for yourself. Get up early and go for a walk. Take a yoga class to help you relax. Find something that you enjoy and helps you stay active.

  4. Sleep! Sleep is so important for recovery. We often don’t realize how important sleep is for our bodies to stay healthy. The holidays can be stressful and busy and often that means our sleep gets put on the back burner. Don’t let that happen!

  5. Often when we are busy, our water intake gets neglected. We are out shopping for the day and don’t have water with us. We go out for dinner and have soda or  alcohol instead. After having to drink a gallon of water during 75 Hard, I can almost always be found with water nearby. I always try to avoid using calories on drinks. Our bodies need water to stay hydrated and function properly. 

Have fun celebrating this holiday season, but also remember you don’t need to wait until the New Year to start taking care of yourself. Balance is possible when keeping your goals in mind. 

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